by Maurice Dogué
Did you know that Langston Hughes-one of my heroes, wrote a book entitled The First Book of Jazz? I recently discovered this. I’d like to feel I’m walking in the footsteps of his passion – telling the stories of our African American culture. He celebrated blackness before the fad of the 60’s revolution, when little was known in the American consciousness about life in modern Africa, let alone ancient Africa. Even before Alex Haley, there was Langston Hughes honoring our history.
My book entitled Michael Discovers The Secrets of Jazz is not just for kids. It is a family story to discover by generations reading together. See how Michael is nurtured. Listen to the embracing voices of family. Feel the safe space created for fun and growth. Touch the passion for a music that is as natural and American as apple pie. After reading this book maybe you’ll hear jazz music like Michael does.